People in Motion: Entangled Histories of Displacement across the Mediterranean (1492–1923)
Responsabile del progetto: Prof. Giovanni Tarantino
Settore scientifico disciplinare: M-STO/02 - Storia moderna
Data inizio/fine progetto: 09/04/2019 - 08/10/2023
Ente finanziatore: EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020
Anno di riferimento: 2018
La COST Action PIMo (l’unica Action a guida italiana di preminente interesse umanistico) coordina un gruppo di ricercatori provenienti da 35 paesi, un mix straordinario di oltre 250 studiosi di lingue, competenze, generazioni diverse tutti impegnati a ricostruire le connessioni culturali e affettive dei popoli che hanno abitato e percorso il Mediterraneo in un arco cronologico molto lungo, dal 1492 al 1923. Il progetto è articolato in quattro gruppi di lavoro: Things in Motion; Ideas in Motion; Paper in Motion; People in Motion. Componenti del Core Group di PIMo: Giovanni Tarantino (Chair); Katrina O’Loughlin (Vice-Chair); Cátia Antunes, Rosita D’Amora, José María Pérez Fernández, Luisa Simonutti (WG Leaders); Dónal Hassett (Communication Officer); Marta Bucholc (Training Schools Coordinator); Mirko Sardelić, Rocío Gutiérrez Sumillera (Mobility Grants Coordinators).
Le numerose pubblicazioni e attività congressuali e didattiche e le opportunità di collaborazione e supporto alla ricerca sono documentate nel sito web.
Tra le attività che hanno direttamente coinvolto colleghi del SAGAS si segnalano: il primo congresso annuale di PIMo, ospitato dalla Biblioteca Riccardiana di Firenze (Proff. Biffi, Zorzi, Minuti); The 18th Century Translators Dictionary (Prof. R. Minuti); il database iconografico In Your Face (Prof.ssa V. Galimi); il seminario ‘Dancing for Peace’ e la contestuale messa in scena del 'Ballet of The Nations' di Vernon Lee (Proff. M. Pacini, C. Pagnini); il seminario 'Mapping the Early Modern City’ (Prof.ssa L. Felici); il portale ‘Intellettuali in Fuga’ (Prof.ssa P. Guarnieri).
Aims of PIMo (read the Project Description, by Giovanni Tarantino and Katrina O'Loughlin)
PIMo publications accessible in Open Access:
Twelve Cities – One Sea: Early Modern Mediterranean Port Cities and Their Inhabitants, ed. by Giovanni Tarantino and Paola von Wyss-Giacosa (Naples: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, "Quaderni della Rivista Storica Italiana", 2023)
Visual Reflections across the Sea: A PIMo Collection of Essays on Mediterranean Crossings, ed. by Natalie Fritz and Paola von Wyss-Giacosa (Siena: IDEM 2023)
More than Homesickness: Minorities and the Transference of Goods in the Mediterranean (1492–1956), edited by Hugo Martins and José Alberto Tavim (Évora: CIDEHUS, 2024)
Paper, Finance and Semiotics. The Symbolic Economy of Knowledge in the Early Modern Mediterranean, ed. by José María Pérez Fernández and Gaetano Sabatini, a Special Issue of The Journal of European Economic History (2023/2)
Crossroads in Early Modern Italy: Encounters between Foreign Travelers and Local Inhabitants, ed. by Marta Albalá Pelegrín and Sandra Toffolo, a Special Issue of the journal Annali dell’Istituto storico italo germanico in Trento/Jahrbuch des italienisch-deutschen historischen Instituts in Trient (49, 2023/1):OA publication of the three contributions authored by PIMo members Katalin Prajda, Özden Mercan and Sandra Toffolo
Cross-Cultural Artistic Encounters in the Eastern Mediterranean: A PIMo collection of essays around the exhibition titled “Şeyh Hamdullah on the 500th anniversary of his death” at the Sakip Sabanci Museum Istanbul, ed. by Zeren Tanındı (Istanbul: Sakip Sabanci Museum, 2022)
La carta e il Mediterraneo: produzione, commercio, comunicazione, eds Livia Faggioni & Mauro Mussolin (Fabriano: Fondazione Fedrigoni Fabriano, 2022)
Rereading Travellers to the East: Shaping Identities and Building the Nation in Post-unification Italy, ed. by Beatrice Falcucci, Emanuele Giusti, Davide Trentacoste (Florence: FUP 2022)
The Habsburg Mediterranean 1500-1800, ed. by Stefan Hanss and Dorothea McEwan (Wien: Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2021). The complete contents are freely accessible on the website of Die Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Giovanni Tarantino, José María Peréz Fernández and Matteo Calcagni, Paper in Motion: Information and the Economy of Knowledge in the Early Modern Mediterranean [Siena: Idem, 2021) (available in Open Access on the GlobHis website; for the online exhibition see here:]
Alexandra Curvelo and Angelo Cattaneo, eds, Interactions Between Rivals: The Christian Mission and Buddhist Sects in Japan (c.1549-c.1647) (Peter Lang, 2021)
Emotion, Diplomacy and Gift Exchanging Practices in the Ottoman Context, ed. by Rosita D'Amora, Cromohs 24 (2021)
Mobility and Displacement in and around the Mediterranean. A Historical Approach, ed. by Cátia Antunes and Giedrė Blažytė, Ler Historia 28 (2021)
Approaches to the Paper Revolution, A Special Themed Section of Cromohs 23 (2020), ed. by José María Pérez Fernández
Mobilizing Otherness/Alterity Across Time and Space, a Special Themed Section of Cromohs 23 (2020), ed. by Giacomo Orsini
Giovanni Tarantino, Giorgio Riello and José María Peréz Fernández, Encounters at Sea: Paper, Objects and Sentiments in Motion Across the Mediterranean. An intellectual journey through the collections of the Riccardiana Library in Florence. With an Afterword by Catia Antunes (Pisa: Bandecchi & Vivaldi, 2020) [available in Open Access on the GlobHIS website]
Feeling Exclusion: Religious Conflict, Exile and Emotions in Early Modern Europe, ed. by Giovanni Tarantino and Charles Zika (Routledge 2019)
PIMo Visual Reflections, ed. by Paola von Wyss-Giacosa
The Gagliana Grossa Virtual Museum:
PIMo Videos:
The Ballet of The Nations: A Morality Play for Our Times
Paper Travels (a PIMo Wokshop jointly convened with Fondazione Fedrigoni Fabriano)
The Voyages of Gagliana Grossa
Ode Barbara (Territori del Gesto) (more details are found in the performance flyer)
The Global Eye: The Early Modern Connected World through Cosimo III's Map Collection (also accessible on the website of the Museo Galileo)
Contagion: Circulation and Pandemic Threats Throughout History
Book series:
Histories in Motion: People, Images, Objects, Ideas (15th-19th centuries) (Brepols)
Translating Cultures in the Early Modern World (Brill)
In preparation:
1. Early Modern (East-)Central Europe from Transcultural Perspectives, ed. by Veronika Čapská
2. Translators, Translations and Mobility in the Early Modern Mediterranean and Beyond, ed. by Giancarlo Casale and Ann Thomson
3. Hoshev Mahashvot, ed. by Alber Sabanoglu
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